EUGLOH E-conference on Food security

This e-conference is part of an ongoing series organized by the EUGLOH Alliance, focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For this edition, the University of Paris-Saclay and the Lund University decided to co-host a conference dedicated to exploring Goal 2 of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger. Nicolas Guilpart, from UMR Agronomy, was one of the speakers


Current state of global food security and the agronomic prospects for a more sustainable future by Nicolas Guilpart - University Paris-Saclay

Climate change & food security by Lennart Olsson – Lund University

Food Well-being at the Time of Covid-19: The Use of Coping Strategies Rooted in Caring for Low Socio-economic Status Families by Valérie Nicolas-Hémar - University Paris-Saclay

As well as showcasing local initiative "Food Saving Lund" dedicated to the reduction of food waste represented by Feny Linne - Lund