
The Agronomy joint research unit is closely linked to the SIAFEE department (Sciences et Ingénieries Agronomique, Forestières de l'Eau et de l'Environnement) of AgroParisTech, and includes a significant proportion of teacher-researchers in its staff (see organization chart). The unit contributes significantly to the training of :

  • future researchers who will work in the field of analysis, design and evaluation of cropping systems ;
  • future agricultural engineers (or engineers in continuing education) who seek to acquire knowledge and tools to contribute to the transformation of agriculture, in France and abroad.

Some contributions from the Agronomy joint research unit

AgroParistech engineering curriculum

  • AgroParisTech major "Production and innovation in plant technical systems" (PIST)
  • AgroParisTech major "Environmental engineering: water, waste and sustainable development" (IDEA)
  • AgroParisTech major "Engineering of Urban Vegetated Areas" (IEVU)

Courses offered by AgroParistech in the AETPF field: Agrosciences, environnement, territoires, paysages, forêt (UPSay)

  • "From Agronomy to Agroecology" (M2 AAE)
  • Master's Programme on Climate, Land-Use and Ecosystem Services (CLUES)

Online course

  • "What is Agroecology": introductory module to the Virtual University of Agroecology, available on line.