
UMR Agronomy - Versailles-Saclay center


31 May 2024

By: OR

One-year post-doctoral position in agroecology

We are offering a one-year post-doctoral position to assess the interactions between legume bruchids (Bruchus spp.) populations, their natural enemies and their agroecological context.
This e-conference is part of an ongoing series organized by the EUGLOH Alliance, focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For this edition, the University of Paris-Saclay and the Lund University decided to co-host a conference dedicated to exploring Goal 2 of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger. Nicolas Guilpart, from UMR Agronomy, was one of the speakers
In Europe, increasing the area of legume crops has been identified as a key measure to achieve the objectives set by the European Green Deal and transition toward more sustainable food systems. Although the role of grain legumes in climate change mitigation has been closely examined, little research has focused on how climate change will challenge the development of these crops. This article systematically reviews recent simulation studies to assess the impact of climate change on grain legume performances in Europe and the effect of adaptation strategies.
The EU imports large quantities of soybeans, mainly for livestock feed. However, there is a trend to increase domestic soybean production and reduce imports. In this study, we investigate the potential impact of an increased EU soybean cultivation on evapotranspiration (ET), water deficit, and irrigation needs.

Agronomy joint research unit INRAE - AgroParisTech - Paris-Saclay University

Agronomy joint research unit

Our objective is to produce and mobilize scientific and expert methods and knowledge, from local to global, to (i) assess the impacts on the environment and ecosystem services of current and alternative cropping systems, and (ii) support stakeholders involved in the evolution of agricultural practices by designing resources (knowledge, tools and methods) with them
The Agronomy joint research unit includes researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians and research support staff. It is attached to the AgroEcoSystem departement of INRAE and to the SIAFEE Department (Agronomic, Forestry, Water and Environmental Sciences and Engineering) of AgroParisTech.

Download here a presentation of the unit