Tour de plaine avec les agriculteurs. Photo Margot Leclère © INRAE

Diagnosis of camelina seed yield and quality through an on-farm experimental network

This paper focuses on characterising the variability of camelina yield and quality gains under different pedoclimatic conditions in northern France and identifying factors explaining this variability.

We show that yield variations are mainly explained by the nitrogen status of the crop at flowering, and by the presence of downy mildew in 2018, whereas grain quality (oil content and fatty acid composition) is mainly impacted by climatic conditions (grain filling duration, high temperatures during the filling period). Then we discuss the interest of carrying out this diagnosis to design cropping systems including camelina adapted to the Oise territory.


Diagnosis of camelina seed yield and quality across an on-farm experimental network, Margot Leclère, Anne-Raphaëlle Lorent, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Arnaud Butier, Christophe Chatain, Chantal Loyce, European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 122, 2021