Participatory design workshop

Participatory design of agronomic scenarios for the reintroduction of legumes at a territory scale

Combining the richness of a participatory approach involving all the stakeholders of a territory with the power of simulation tools: this is the originality of the approach that was implemented on the scale of the "Langrois plateau", in order to assess its potential for the reintroduction of legumes.

In a first step, participatory workshops, surveys and statistical data processing allowed a description and a multi-criteria characterisation of the current dominant modes of management and some rarer alternatives. This work was then used to simulate the current territory with the Coclick'eau linear programming tool (frequency of occurrence of crops and their technical itineraries within the territory); these results were discussed and validated in workshops with the local stakeholders. In a third step, the stakeholders proposed and discussed different ambitious objectives for their territory in a participatory workshop. Then, four contrasting scenarios were simulated with the Co-click'eau tool, taking into account all the information collected and the constraints and objectives identified in the first three stages. In the scenarios obtained, the area devoted to legumes varied from 9 to 23%, compared to 6% in the initial territory. Finally, the results and the conditions for implementing these scenarios were discussed with the stakeholders in a further participatory workshop. The scenarios appeared to be a good basis for discussion of new levers for reintroducing legumes, involving the diversity of stakeholders. As a result of this study, diversification projects have been initiated in the area.


Elise Pelzer, Mathilde Bonifazi, Marion Soulié, Laurence Guichard, Maude Quinio, Remy Ballot, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, 2020. Participatory design of agronomic scenarios for the reintroduction of legumes into a French territory, Agricultural Systems, 184,102893

Soulié M., Bonifazi M., Guichard L., Quinio M., Ballot R., Jeuffroy M.-H., Pelzer E., 2019. Co-conception et évaluation de scénarios agronomiques de réintroduction de légumineuses dans un territoire de Bourgogne. Innovations agronomiques, 74, 93-103