Raphaël Paut

Raphaël Paut

Junior Researcher


Contact details:

  • Mail: raphaël.paut[at]inrae.fr


Nitrogen, Innovative design, Fertilization, Cropping systems, Experimentation, Participatory approach

Summary of activities

My research activities within the Mixt Research Unit Agronomie are focused on the design of tools and methods for nitrogen management in agricultural systems.

This work is based on the articulation of quantitative methods (modeling) with qualitative methods (innovative design, diagnosis of uses, surveys) to :

  • Produce innovative methods of nitrogen management in agricultural systems
  • Design cropping systems more self sufficient in nitrogen
  • Rethink the collective and/or territorial organization of N management

 Professional experience

Since October 2021. Junior Researcher at UMR Agronomie, INRAE Paris-Grignon.

2020-2021. Post-doctorate at the UMR Agronomy, INRAE-AgroParisTech (ReMIX project).

Co-design of a decision support tool to assist in the choice of species mixtures, using functional ecology. Creation of a decision support tool compiling heterogeneous data sources. Organization of co-design workshops involving farmers, researchers and advisors, elicitation of experts' knowledge.

2017-2020. PhD at UR Ecodéveloppement, INRAE, Avignon.

Analysis of trade-offs between cultivated diversity and management complexity through the case study of mixed Orchard-vegetables systems. An approach combining modeling and qualitative methods. Development of static and dynamic modelling approaches, as well as qualitative approaches (semi-directive interviews).

2015-2016. Research engineer at the ASTRO unit, INRAE, Guadeloupe (SYSTEMYC project)

Co-construction of agroecological market gardening systems to foster mobilization of native mycorrhizae. Organization and facilitation of participatory approaches (co-design workshops, innovative design). Development of knowledge sharing tools (MYMYX® serious game).

2014-2015. Internship at the Research Group on Organic Agriculture (GRAB)

Survey on research needs in Organic Agriculture. Bibliographic synthesis and elaboration of prospective scenarios for research in OA by 2050.

2014. MSc thesis at AGROOF, engineering office specialized in agroforestry

Identify the potential and constraints to the development of agroforestry in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. Diagnosis of brakes and levers to the adoption of alley cropping. Technical support, animation of exchange groups between farmers.

2013. Internship at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Maseno, Kenya.

Study on the integration of the climbing bean-Calliandra intercropping in cropping systems in Western Kenya. Development of survey method and qualitative analysis. Statistical analysis of results.


Research gate

See also

Publications :

Paut R, Dufils A, Derbez F et al.  2021. Orchard grazing in France: multiple forms of fruit tree–Livestock integration in line with farmers’ objectives and constraints. Forests 12:1–16. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12101339

Paut, R., Sabatier, R., Dufils, A., Tchamitchian, M., 2021. How to reconcile short-term and long-term objectives in mixed farms? A dynamic model application to mixed fruit tree - vegetable systems. Agricultural Systems 187, 103011. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2020.103011

Paut, R., Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2020. Modelling crop diversification and association effects in agricultural systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 288, 106711. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2019.106711

Paut, R., Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2019. Reducing risk through crop diversification: An application of portfolio theory to diversified horticultural systems. Agricultural Systems 168, 123–130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2018.11.002

Chave, M., Angeon, V., Paut, R., Collombet, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2019. Codesigning biodiversity-based agrosystems promotes alternatives to mycorrhizal inoculants. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39, 48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13593-019-0594-y

Castel, L., Plessix, S., Gaspari, C., Warlop, F., Fourrié, L., Montrognon, Y., Ronzon, J., Labeyrie, B., Ray, T., Cadet, D., Arlaud, C., Paut, R., Tchamitchian, M., Bouvier J.C., Jammes, D., Filleron, E., Sieffert, A., Fanguede, A., 2019. Concevoir et expérimenter des vergers agroforestiers en Agriculture Biologique (VERtiCAL). Innovations Agronomiques 76, 273–289. https://doi.org/10.15454/5zao4b

Chave, M., Angeon, V., Paut, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2018. Du partage de connaissances à la co-conception d’innovations agroécologiques : Exemple de la mobilisation des mycorhizes en Guyane. Innovations Agronomiques 64, 97–111. https://doi.org/10.15454/1.5408025827548547E12

Oral presentations:

Paut, R., Médiène S., Valantin-Morison, M., 2021. EcosysteMIX: an interactive web app to design crop mixtures combining empirical and scientific knowledge, in: Intercropping for Sustainability. Research developments and their application. Conference of the Association of Applied Biology. 18-20 January 2021. Online.

Dufils A., Paut, R.*, 2021. Grazed orchards in France: different forms of livestock integration and their implications for fruit growers’ practices, in: 5th European Agroforestry Conference. Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy. 17-19 May 2021. Nuoro, Italy.

Paut, R.*, Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2021. Linking scientific and empirical knowledge: an interactive web-app to design agroforestry market gardening systems, in: 5th European Agroforestry Conference. Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy. 17-19 May 2021. Nuoro, Italy.

Paut, R.*, Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2019. How to reconcile short-term and long-term objectives in agroforestry systems? An application of viability theory to Mixed Orchard-Market Gardening Systems, in: European Conference on Crop Diversification. Budapest, Hungary.

Paut, R. *, Boury-Esnault, A., Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2019. Complementarities or complexity? The case study of Horticultural Agroforestry Systems, in: 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Strengthening Links between Science, Society and Policy. Montpellier, France, p. 386.

Paut, R. *, Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2018. Horticultural agroforestry systems: a modelling framework to combine diversification and association effects, in: 4th European Agroforestry Conference. Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use. Nijmegen, The Netherlands, pp. 437–441.

Paut, R. *, Sabatier, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2018. Benefits of diversified horticultural systems: assessment with the modern portfolio theory, in: 13th European IFSA Symposium. Farming Systems: Facing Uncertainties and Enhancing Opportunities. Chania, Greece, pp. 1–5.

Sieffert, A*., Morinay, A., Zniber, T., Canet, A., Lavoyer, S., Maïzi-Moity, P., Sabatier, R., Paut, R., Tchamitchian, M., 2019. Co-design and on-farm experimentation of practices combining conservation agriculture and agroforestry, in: 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Strengthening Links between Science, Society and Policy. p. 390.

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 15 April 2022 | By: OR