Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy

Senior Scientist at INRA, UMR Agronomie

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  • Tel: 01 89 10 08 93

Marie-Hélène JEUFFROY, born on July 1965 10th

UMR Agronomie INRA-AgroParisTech, 78 850 Thiverval-Grignon,

Education and distinctions

1987 :  engineer in Agronomy, Institut National Agronomique –Paris- Grignon (INA P-G)

1991 :  PhD from Université Paris XI, mention "Très honorable - Félicitations du jury".

2002 :  Accreditation for supervising research (HDR), Université Paris XI.

From 2007 : corresponding member of the Académie d’Agriculture de France, section 1 « productions végétales »

2008 :  Chevalier in Ordre du Mérite Agricole

2013 :  Officier in Ordre du Mérite Agricole

Professional career and research topics

1987-1991 : Attachée Scientifique Contractuelle in the Laboratoire d'Agronomie INRA associated to the Chaire d'Agronomie at INA P-G. PhD supervised by B. Saugier and M. Sebillotte. Subject: Analysis and modeling of yield elaboration of a pea crop

1991-…: Researcher in the Laboratoire d’Agronomie INRA associated to the Chaire d’Agronomie at INA P-G, then in the Unité Mixte de Recherches (UMR) d’Agronomie INRA-AgroParisTech.

  • 1991-2003 : Junior Scientist (CR2). Promotion to CR1 (Août 1995). Promotion Research Director DR2 (2004). Promotion Research Director 1st class (DR1) in july 2015.
  • Research themes: analysis and modeling of nitrogen nutrition on wheat quantitative and qualitative production, assessment (with models) of varietal innovations in wheat and pea, analysis and modeling of disease-affected crops (pea, wheat and oilseed rape), ideotype design, co-design of tools for the cultivar assessment with their users, co-design of spatial organisations of cropping systems aiming at a durable control of diseases (phoma stem canker in oilseed rape), design of innovative methods for wheat nitrogen fertilisation management, analysis of action-oriented knowledge.
  • Coordination of 15 national research programs

2000-2007 : management of teams within the Research Unit

2002-2007 : assistant-director of the UMR d’Agronomie (Director Thierry Doré)

2007-2014 : Director of the UMR d’Agronomie (24 INRA permanent members, 7 AgroParisTech permanent members)

Since 2014 : Senior researcher in UMR Agronomie

Since 2018 April 1: Assistant Director of the Head of the Environment & Agronomy Division at INRA (one of the 13 divisions of INRA)

Since 1994 : Farmer (arable crops, Eure-et-Loir, Paris Basin)

Supervision of 21 defended PhD since 1992, and 2 post-doc

Several PhD were co-supervised with research colleagues from another discipline: plant pathology (3), ecophysiology (2), mathematics-statistics (1), ergonomy (2), landscape agronomy (1).

Presently, co-supervision of 4 PhD with Camille Michon (food technologist), C.Loyce (agronomist), L.Guichard (agronomist) and F.Detienne (ergonomist).

Research assessment, advisoring boards and committees

Participation to scientific committees:

  • Member of the Commission Scientifique Spécialisée ‘Agronomie et sylviculture’ at INRA (1998-2002) : individual research assessment
  • Member of the scientific advisoring board of the division Agronomie at INRA (1994-2001).
  • Member of the scientific advisoring board of the INRA Center Grignon-Massy-Paris, then Versailles-Grignon (1995-1999).

Participation to assessment committees:

  • Assessment of Research Units: Research unit GAP at Dijon (Division Genetics, 1997), Research unit Zoologie at Lusignan and experimental unit Entomologie at Le Magneraud (2001), Research unit Bio3P (INRA-Agrocampus Rennes, division Plant Health and Environment, 2007), UMR System Montpellier (2010, president), UR Performance des systèmes de plantes pérennes, CIRAD (2010).
  • Member of the Assessment Committee of the activities on N fertilisation at Arvalis, the technical institute of cereals (juillet 2008).
  • Assessment Committees for research programs : CasDAR Innovation et Partenariat (2011-2013), CTPS, MP SMaCH, ANR ARIMNET (2016)

Participation to the definition of Project calls:


Scientific papers reviewing:

  • around 1 to 6 papers per year in various scientific journals

Participation to Recruitement committees:

  • 20 Recruitement committees of technicians, engineers, researchers, lecturers

Participation to committees for the Accreditation for supervising research (HDR):

  • 4 committees: 1 in genetics, 2 in cropping system Agronomy, 1 in global agronomy (3 of which as reporter)

Participation to PhD defense committees and HDR defense committees:

  • 11 in agronomy,  1 economy, 2 genetics.

See also

5 major scientific papers

  • Meynard J.M., Jeuffroy M.H., Le Bail M., Lefèvre A., Magrini M.B., Michon C., 2017. Designing coupled innovations for the sustainability transition of agrifood systems ? Agricultural Systems, 157, 330-339
  • Prost L., Berthet E.T.A., Cerf M., Jeuffroy M.-H., Labatut J., Meynard J.-M., 2017. Innovative design for agriculture in the move towards sustainability: scientific challenges. Research in Engineering Design, 28, 119-129. DOI 10.1007/s00163-016-0233-4,
  • Ravier C., Jeuffroy MH., Gate P., Cohan JP., Meynard JM., 2018. Combining diagnosis of uses with participatory design to develop new methods for managing N fertilization. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 110:117–134 ;
  • Lesur-Dumoulin C., Laurent A., Reau R., Guichard L., Ballot R., Jeuffroy MH., Loyce C., 2018. Co-design and ex ante assessment of cropping systems prototypes including energy crops in Eastern France. Biomass & Bioenergy, 116, 205-215.
  • Leclère M., Loyce C., Jeuffroy M.H. Growing camelina as a second crop in France: a participatory design approach to produce actionable knowledge. Eur J. Agron, 101, 78-89